Tomorrow is May Day… official day of protest I guess… in Europe. In Sweden on the day before, it’s Valborg. I do not know the history to this day but the general idea in the present is that huge bonfires are set (in designated areas) and everyone gets really drunk (except the dudes and dudettes keeping an eye on the fire). It’s really quite fun and laid back, and all ages are in on it… although most of the children do not intake alcohol…
Thought I would put up some photos I took last year… oh and will be able to post illos soon, as our new computer is almost in working order! Yay!
Thought I would put up some photos I took last year… oh and will be able to post illos soon, as our new computer is almost in working order! Yay!

Hi Emily...wow...that fire is huge...neat photos...and can't wait to see your artwork!
It reminds me of the St-Jean-Baptiste fire, for the national day of Quebec (june 24th). In some place we do those HUGE fire :)
oh, and i was in Sweden in 2003 cause i was in Europe traveling for a month, and have a friend in Malmö :) Loved it there! (also went to Lund and Helsingborg).
What did you do in ROsemere?? Actually MOntreal is not my home town.. )honestly i think it is too big and not enough trees!!) :)
I remember St-Jean Baptist!
My dad worked on contract in Montreal, and we lived in Rosemere... but I haven't been back in Quebec in almost 9 years... miss it sometimes(even the snow... hihi).
where is your home town?
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