clumsy bunny

Distracted by the oddity of the Dead Frog Band, Dante didn’t see the microphone chord until it was too late - Clumsy bunny!


alyson said...

This is rad! I love the look of this, and all the intricate pen details. nice job.

joseph's art and stuff said...

again you floor me!

donny* said...

wonderful! all the detail, the patterns and lines. just perfect.

Sissy Sparrows said...

I could look at your artwork for hours. Love it.

steven schepp said...

Your pen and ink work is really wonderful.

Best, Steve from Jacket Flap.

Unknown said...

Hi Emily!!! wow wow and wow...the perspective on this piece rocks!!!

Lovely work!!!

theartofpuro said...

This is an illustration!Love it!Perfect for the topic!

Yasmin said...

You are brilliant.. you always makes to laugh me.. Dante is really clumsy.. but it is so sweet.
These toads are fantastic... as cloth puppets sewn the handmade.

yoon see said...

Amazing concert!
Don't fall...but hey that's too spontaneous....the good thing is a concert like this will always come alive with your creative ideas!

k.h.whitaker said...

very nice, love the stitching on the frogs

rmsmi said...

What a cool style you have. Great stuff!

Amanda said...

Wonderful as always! I love love love all the patterns and linework.

Junko Miyakoshi said...

Wow.. I mean, WOW!!
Very unique idea and characters!
Hope Dante didn't hurt himself..!


Dave said...

Fantastic, great detail, rendering and story.

sketched out said...

I hate when that happens! Love the way your mind works, girl... dead frog band... fantastic!!! Hope Dante is ok, hee hee.

Mike Barnett said...

I can't believe the amount of work that you put into your illustrations. It makes me feel incredibly lazy. Great work!!

Sally Taylor said...

I really just want to be you. :) You are such a fantastic visual storyteller. I am an artistic fan.

Debra Cooper said...

Wow, wow, wow! Your work is just fantastic. Love your characters and the beautiful scenery they get to travel in. Just amazing!

Dayle's Painted Diary-Dayle Dodwell said...

Great drawing and real cute.

Denise Gallagher said...

so so so so good!

Alissa Staples said...

This is AMAZING! Fantastic work!!

jazzlamb said...

Beautifully detailed. I'm really liking all that I've missed:)

Dinalie said...

Thanks Emily! Meanwhile I think I've fallen in love with Dante! I love the intricacy of your beautiful drawings :)

Amy C said...

what a delightful froggy band and what an incredible little scene, its always such a pleasure to visit your fantastic blog

Cally Johnson-Isaacs said...

Oh my! Your work is amazing! I love your rabbits! xx

Bella Sinclair said...

Hahaha! I love this! Such brilliant, twisted humor. Hahahaha! I love that tangle of string!

Tammie Lee said...

I love how you place your art on the page! It comes to life in a wonderful way, I can almost hear the music~

justdoodleit said...

Fun details on this one! Wonder how the frogs will sing with their mouths sealed.


'dead frog band'? haha, that's brilliant! and well drawn characters too, i love them! and thanks for the kind words on my illustrated books, emily, amen to that! ^_^

Stefania said...

Wonderful clumsy bunny!!! The frog are incredible and theater is sublime. great scene ;)


summer said...

I really love your style. I love love the line quality and detailed simplicity.

IstvanBloggin' said...

I'm sure these guys play great jazz:)
Amazing as always, enjoyed it!
Enjoy your day Emily!

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hihihi! What amazing it is! =)
Your's Bunny's story is very funny, i advice to you make one children's book!!! It will be so interesting!! This crazy frog who play Jazz(I think so) remember me one cartoon what I watched yesturday, maybe you know- "Princess and Frog"??? :)

Mary said...

Your mind travels such interesting pathways and we benefit :-) Love the Dead Frogs....are they a rather quiet band?

Kim Lee said...

Everything is so beatiful! Love your drawings!
I couldn´t resist to have you in my blog, hope you don´t mind!

Dearest Kim

Peter Breese said...

Magnificent, such wonderful depth in these last few pieces! Keep rockin.

Annika said...

Jazz music started playing in my head when I saw this! Amazing.

Mademoizelle Margaut said...

I'm a fan of his funny rabbit, and I become a member to see your progress