turn that frown upside-down

As cosmic timing would have it, my oldest friend booked a trip across the pond earlier this spring neither of us knowing she would be here for a time when I would need her the most. I've deeply enjoyed having her and her baby here - a new life in the flat felt oddly comforting. But time flew and my friend is back across the pond and I - I am loving the joy of getting back into the inky delights of drawing bunnies - And it's about time! Don't you think?
(This little rascal is a bunny tribute to my friends baby, whose greatest relish was finding carpet fluff to eat)


ale balanzario said...

Ah!! wonderful bunnies drawings as always Emily, hope you are feeling better.

Xovika said...

Wow! Awesome as always! That baby bunny is adorable :X I'm happy you had your friend and her baby by your side :)

Sissy Sparrows said...

Wonderful to see your bunnies again...it's funny what things amuse babies!

joseph's art and stuff said...

Welcome back! Great to see you're drawing again, hope all is well!

Tammie Lee said...

so wonderful to see you back
so lovely you enjoyed your loved ones
your art is fun and fantastic!

Lynne the Pencil said...

Wonderful, as always. I love the body language you capture so perfectly and so simply.

Unknown said...

Yes, it must be time. If your your fingers are reaching out for your pen, it's time to draw again.

Best wishes to you,
- Son

theartofpuro said...

Welcome back!These new drawings are amazing!

twodoorsaway said...

Welcome back! Good to see you back again.. oh and Zoe & Dante too of course :)

cassia said...

we missed you. great to see new loveliness on your page.

tusen said...

So good to see your bunnies again :) I've missed them. The little one a cutie, too, although looks like mischief ;)
And I love the tag.

Bella Sinclair said...

So good to see you again, Emily. You are a bottle of refreshing Bunny Delight. I'm glad you had a good friend to hold your hand through the rough patch.


ps. The little Emily 2010 tags are wonderful!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I just found your blog through The Hermitage. I love it. I love your bunnies! Truly delightful! I am following along.
Hugs for your heart about your mom.

kanishk said...

Love this ! Love all your work! So inspiring!

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Sue Rundle-Hughes said...

What gorgeous bunny drawings :) Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog x

Amanda Dilworth said...

so glad you and your bunnies are back:)

Anonymous said...

such lovely bunnies and patterns! love it!